Current Rankings


Current (no part of this World) Rankings are taken from a rolling last two years of results in tournaments.


Position (Rise/Fall) (Power Rating points)PlayerPointsPoints drop next tournament
1st (Same) (35) Brenton Snow374.5
2nd (Same) (34)Dathan Snow27.56.5
3rd (Same) (33)Chris Endell262.5
4th (Up) (32)Liam Sullivan17.50
5th (Up) (31)Lee Fardell160
6th (Same) (30)Jordon Thomson14.53.5
7th (Up) (29)Jon Miles10.50
8th (Down) (28)Russ Anderson103
9th (Same) (27)Danny Gregory6.51
10th (Down) (26)Ian Corrigan50
11th (Same) (25)Kunle Adeyemi31
11th (Same) (25)Jack Aslett30
13th (Up) (23)Josh Cook22
14th (Up) (22)Darren Woods1.50
15th (Down) (21)Andrew Clinch10
15th (Same) (21)Craig Gardier10
15th (Same) (21)Andrew Azzopardi10